Lastest News (21)

Lastest News
In accordance with the principle of cooperation between the Department of Quality Assurance and University Performance and the scientific departments and centers in the university, and in order to achieve the goals and tasks of the department, which are to continue to spread the culture of quality and performance in the university, the Department of Quality Assurance and University Performance is holding a workshop on the evaluation of the quality of electronic websites in cooperation with the Information Technology Center and in the presence of the quality managers and the electronic website officials, on Wednesday, March 6, 2024, in the Civil Engineering Department Hall.

The Director of the Quality Assurance and University Performance Department (Prof. Dr. Zainab Nasser Jameel) participated in the specialized training course for applying the Bologna Path in Iraqi universities, which was held under the auspices of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and hosted by the University of Baghdad, in which the international trainer and expert in applying the Bologna Path, Dr. Burak, lectured. “, in the presence of the General Coordinator at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Oday Ali Ahmed, from the Office of the Scientific Undersecretary, representing the Ministry, Dr. Ahmed Al-Jaafari, Assistant Head of the Supervision and Scientific Evaluation Agency, Dr. Haider Al-Mishari, Assistant Director of Studies and Planning in the Ministry, and a number of assistants to university presidents for scientific affairs and those concerned with Implementing the Bologna Pathway in the faculties of science and engineering by teaching staff and department heads in public and private universities.


Assistant lecturer Raid Dahham Abdullah, teaching in the Department of Quality Assurance and University Performance at the University of Technology, participated in the 5th International Conference on Building, Construction, and Environmental Engineering, which was held by the Department of Civil Engineering/University of Technology in cooperation with Komar University in Sulaymaniyah for the period (21-22/11/2023). About his tagged research:

An investigation of self-sensing and mechanical properties of smart Engineered Cementitious Composites reinforced with functional materials

The activities of the first and second days of the conference were attended, which concluded with Assistant Lecturer Raed Daham Abdullah giving a presentation summarizing the topics of his research paper submitted to the conference and accepted for publication in the Open Engineering magazine, which is located within the Scopus/Second Quarter containers.

Our university participated in a training workshop held by the Academic Supervision and Evaluation Service/Department of Quality Assurance and Academic Accreditation/Department of Quality Assurance in coordination with the Institutional Accreditation Council on Sunday, 11/26/2023, on the campus University of Imam Jaafar al-Sadiq , in the presence of the Director of the Department of Quality Assurance and University Performance (Prof. Dr. Zainab Nasser Jameel) and a group of managers of the quality divisions at the university. The workshop consisted of three lectures focused on the topic of writing a self-evaluation report for an educational institution.
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